
It may be a small collection, but we absolutely love these unique and original World War II items. We are always eager to expand our range of military props with both original and high-quality replica items. If there is something specific that you are on the lookout for, or if you happen to have any vintage military pieces that you would like to sell, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We would be delighted to hear from you!

WW2 Ammo Box resprayed green to hire.

Ammo Box

This authentic WW2 ammo box has been restored and resprayed to reveal a wonderful original piece perfect for use as a prop.


Vintage Boots chemist First Aid Kit to hire.

First Aid Kit

This is an original Boots chemist householder’s first aid kit from WW2.  The case is a cardboard box containing different first aid supplies including lint, bandages, cotton wool and medicine dropper.  Please note that although the box is full, some items listed on the box are not present as it is an authentic kit and has had the supplies replaced.

Size - 10cm (H), 25cm (W), 15cm (D)
