Cameras & Projectors

Cameras are an iconic symbol.  They not only establish any scene instantly into an era they also look beautiful.  Used as a prop on a shoot or as part of a display, any one of our cameras will entice your viewers and guests to take a closer look.


Brownie No.2

This camera is a No.2 Folding Autographic Brownie made by Kodak in USA between 1915-1926.



Halina 3000

Made by Hakings in Hong Kong this 35mm camera was first introduced in 1974.



Kodak Instamatic 100

This is one of Kodak’s first Instamatic cameras made between 1963-1966.



Polaroid Supercolor 635

This iconic looking camera of the 1980s and 1990s is black and grey with Polaroid’s trademark rainbow stripe.


Vintage Praktica MTL5B Camera.jpg

Praktica MTL 5 B

The Praktica MTL 5 B 35mm SLR camera was made in Dresden, East Germany by Pentacon between 1985-1989.



Zenit TTL

Between 1977-1985 KMZ made this 35mm SLR stills camera.



Kodak Retina 2

This Kodak Retina 2 type 142 camera was made between 1937-1939 and was one of a series of four rangefinder-focussing folding 35mm cameras made in Germany.



Camera Accessories

A selection of camera accessories to use as props.

More information and prices available on request


Canon Super 8

Between 1970-1975 Canon made this iconic looking Super 8 Auto zoom518 SV camera in Japan.



Halina Super 8

This compact super 8 camera was made by Haking, Hong Kong during the 1970s.



Sankyo Super 8

This Sankyo Super 8 ES 44 was made in Japan by Sankyo Seiki MFG Ltd between 1976-1979.



Kershaw Strip Projector

The vintage metal strip projector was made in the UK by Kershaw and Sons Ltd, Leeds, West Yorkshire between 1950-1974.



Reflecta Slide Projector

This slide projector comes with a carousel and accessories.
